The lower-limit amplitude value of recognizing fetal movement and abdominal muscle is 10 mmHg and the upper-limit interval value is 10s. The four characteristic values are available for recognizing extrauterine contraction. 识别胎动和旺肌的下限幅值为1.33kPa(10mmHg),时距上限值为10s.此四个阈值可用于宫外宫缩波的信号识别。
By utilizing the properties of evolution systems, some sufficient conditions under which a mild solution exists globally in any given interval are established, via Leray-Schauder Alternative approach. The continuous dependence of solutions on initial functions is also ob-tained using Banach contraction mapping theorem. 利用发展系统的特征和Leray-Schauder选择定理,给出了解在定义区间上全局存在的充分条件,并建立了解对初值的连续依赖性。